
Chemotherapy and the Redemptionist View of Hell

Chemotherapy and the Redemptionist View of Hell   The title has piqued some interest huh?  Now that I have your attention I would like to share some thoughts on a rather delicate conversation in Western Christianity. That is the doctrine of Ultimate Restoration, or apokatastasis, a doctrine that has been present in Christianity since the earliest fathers, most notably in the writings of Origen, St. Gregory of Nyssa, and Isaac the Syrian. While I appreciate each of these individual’s works on the subject I will not wax poetic about their writings and attempt to summarize their views in hopes that you, reader, will come to appreciate and understand their belief. Instead, I will follow in the method of Jesus and use parables and metaphor in hopes to explain a higher truth.  For those of you who may not have heard my testimony, in my late 20's I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma. To say that my world was upended is an understatement, I was a (fairly) healthy young husban